My word for 2020, JOY!
I do not just pick a word. It must pick me. God uses different avenues to show me my special word. One avenue, I know is His Word, God’s Holy Word.
I was reading in Psalm 13. I have meditated on this chapter for a couple of days. Re-visited the chapter again today. It was verse five and six that exploded in my heart. “But I will trust in Your unfailing love, my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me.
A new year, 2020! For me, a reflection over the past year and an expectation into the new one. I only know the past, and yes, I know that God has been good to me. The future is held in my heavenly Father’s hands. There I rest, a peaceful rest! But the resting also stirs my soul. Stirs me to desire a year investing in Him and others and LESS OF ME. With that thought, there lies true Joy……Jesus, Others, then me.
My verse for the year is Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, then all these things will be added unto you.” My word for the year, Joy. God is at work in my heart and, oh does He have a lot to do, but this I know, I desire to be where God is working.
2020, I do not know what is ahead. What I do know is that what is planned for me was and is planned by God Almighty and it will be good, because HE MAKES NO MISTAKES and I am joyful!