About JoinWithMe.life
JoinWithMe.life is a blog site designed simply to bring people to Jesus. For a long time, I’ve believed that all of life’s problems have their answer in Jesus. While I believe that truth, I can’t say I’ve always lived that. That’s why the tag line is Seeking Life Together. I just want to write and record video content that will help me seek the Father first in my life.
As I do that on a daily basis, this blog site is designed to help others as well. I’ll be seeking to do that in four areas, Faith, Family, Fitness and Fulfillment. The whole platform comes from a premise that I don’t have all the answers but join with me as I seek the Jesus Who is the answer.
I hope to have good content in all 4 focus areas that bring value to your life but make no mistake, the whole reason for this venture is to bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, or help find that abundant life He promises.
I hope to challenge your thinking and bring different perspectives to the table. So, Join With Me as we go on this journey together
About Rayburn
Hopefully JoinWithMe.life will give you a lot of insight as to who I am and my journey in life. I’m just an ordinary guy with a heart to find my place in this world. I’ve been in the real estate business for over 30 years which has provided me with lots of opportunities to learn about people. I stay active both running (when not hurt) and cycling on a regular basis and fitness has been and still is very important to me. I’ve been married for almost 39 years and have 4 children and 5 grandchildren which has provided me with a myriad of lessons about family. I promise you I don’t have all the answers to life, but I also promise you, I know Who does, Jesus. I’m trying to seek Him first in all that I do and the whole JoinWithMe.life concept is: let’s Seek Life Together. It will not be perfect, but it will be real, and it will be fun. Along with my wife, I’ll be writing and recording content for this site. It is a scary venture for sure. I have great fear to put myself out there, but I’m willing to, with the sincere desire that others might come to either a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ or find your life in Jesus to be abundant. So, JoinWithMe in seeking life together.
About Donna
Who is this person that will encourage you in walking life’s path, a journey of twist and turns, mountains to climb, many hurdles to jump and yes victories to claim. Who is this me? My name is Donna Hare. I am a wife, soon to be 39 years, a mother of four, Carmen, Chris, Kaylan and Corbin, our gifts from above. I am a grandmother of five, Carter, Grace, Houston, Hazel and Henry. Oh my, the gift of our grandchildren, priceless. I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a business woman, but most of all a follower of Jesus. I am a sinner that has been rescued by God’s amazing grace. Oh, the stories I will tell, the thoughts I will share using God’s Word as our foundation and flashlight as we search together the immeasurable riches of God. Join with me as we maneuver through the avenues of life, and what a journey it will be.