Deuteronomy 4:9 “Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”

As I read this, I thought of the God miracles, the God workings in my life. We are reminded to be very careful to not forget the things our eyes have seen and NOT to let them slip from our hearts. We are busy people. I believe, our busyness can be a tool of Satan. We can even be so busy doing good that we are so overwhelmed and “faint” in the process. We can even be so busy that we forget to teach these things to our children and yes, even as a grandparent, to our grandchildren.

Careful not to forget or let them slip from our hearts, how do we accomplish this? I realize, if I do not write it down, it can be lost. Life happens and happens fast. I journal. I will admit, I wish I would have been encouraged to journal during my teen years, early adult years. The journaling I have done, it encourages my heart, to go back and read through the victories, the miracles and even the struggles with the tear stained pages. So not to forget, it is good to write it down.

How else do we teach these jewels within our hearts? BY OUR ACTIONS! Is what I say backed up by what I do? Remember, those eyes are watching and yes, they know a real genuine person from a phony.

This morning as I was waking up from sleep, the song, “Give Me Jesus” was on my heart and running through my mind. “In the morning when I rise, in the morning when I rise, in the morning when I rise, GIVE ME JESUS. Give me Jesus, give me Jesus. You can have all this world, GIVE ME JESUS”! This Jesus, if we allow, will permeate our thoughts and actions, which will reflect HIM.

How do I have an impact on others? It is allowing Jesus to have an impact on me. Staying in HIS WORD, allowing His WORD to permeate all areas of my life. Surrounding this with prayer, coming BOLDLY before HIS THRONE OF GRACE. If these impacts, produce changes in ME, then possibly JESUS will be seen. Then that impact whether spoken, written or with actions could touch a hurting world….one person at a time. Yes, starting at HOME.