Maybe Today!

Maybe Today!

As a young girl growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, it was not uncommon, for the truth of the coming of our Lord to be proclaimed, as the old saying goes, “From the roof tops!” The second coming of our Lord was preached so profoundly that I just knew Jesus was coming at...
A Heart Like His

A Heart Like His

I have the privilege to “edit” Rayburn’s weekly emails. I put that in quotation marks, because I do not consider myself an editor. While reading Rayburn’s email, putting a comma here, correcting a word, sometimes the presentation gets in the way of the content. I can...
A Rich Welcome!

A Rich Welcome!

Oh, to be engulfed by arms of love! I texted our granddaughter, Grace and told her that I needed some “bear” hugs. It wasn’t long after that text, that I received a text from our daughter, Carmen that she was bringing Carter and Grace to our home. YES, and I was...
My Inheritance

My Inheritance

When my mother passed, I was given a small inheritance from her. I wish my mother would have enjoyed life more, but she was so fearful that she would outlive her money. Money that she had worked hard for, to sustain those golden years. The investment that my mother...
Christmas Tradition

Christmas Tradition

I love traditions. I heard once that traditions are stories that families write TOGETHER. Some “stories” are carried from generation to generation. Many of those “stories” will bring to mind precious memories.  Those traditions may take you back to your childhood...