Out of My Blahs

Out of My Blahs

I wrote this two weeks ago when our move was a do or die situation. The soon to be owners, of our home, would not be happy if our stuff became their stuff! Today I woke up feeling very overwhelmed. I know this heart of mine. I am weary! The moving of our earthly...


Have mercy on me, Oh God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings UNTIL THE DISASTER has passed. Psalm 57:1 During a storm, a mother eagle will gather her “children” and place her wings over them. She is...
How Awesome is the Lord Most High

How Awesome is the Lord Most High

Psalm 47:1,2a “Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord Most High.” My Bible schedule reading has me in Psalms. I am supposed to be further along than where I am. It is Psalms! It is David pouring out his heart and soul...
God Moment Series: Unexplainable Moments

God Moment Series: Unexplainable Moments

Psalm 42:4, “These things I remember.” The outside margin of my bible, at this verse, I have written, I know God is with me. One reason, because of the things I remember HIM DOING, MY SPECIAL GOD MOMENTS! God does work in mysterious ways. There are times His ways are...
What Are Our Lives Saying?

What Are Our Lives Saying?

The picture above is a little plaque that sits on our mantle. It is a gentle reminder about my life touching others, that in touching, they want to know Jesus. Wow! There is a multitude of ways that we can touch others. Remember, there are times that the smallest of...