
What brings fulfillment to your life?  Why we are here?  What is my contribution to this world?  Do you have purpose and direction in life? These are questions we struggle with at times.  We will share our journey as we seek Jesus to find these answers.

Heart Smiles

Heart Smiles

It was just a kind gesture, but one that touched my soul and gave me the bases for this writing. I had asked the Lord this morning for something special from him. My heart smiles at the simple, yet meaningful ways he shows his love and a big portion of that time, he...

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A Rich Welcome!

A Rich Welcome!

Oh, to be engulfed by arms of love! I texted our granddaughter, Grace and told her that I needed some “bear” hugs. It wasn’t long after that text, that I received a text from our daughter, Carmen that she was bringing Carter and Grace to our home. YES, and I was...

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Health and Your Heart, Part Two

Health and Your Heart, Part Two

When we experience tension in our life and in our heart, the beautiful opportunity for growth and stretching is present. In the tension and the uncomfortableness we are being established by God, IN HIS GLORY. In these moments we have a choice to press into him for the...

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Something Good, For Something Better

Something Good, For Something Better

Have you ever had a time you do something as you normally do and with frustration do it a different way only to find out that you liked that second way better.  Well I had that experience this week due to the weather. I normally go a particular way while running on...

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