How often are we confronted with a situation, only to find the faithfulness of God prepared us for that very thing? David knew God’s faithfulness. He had seen first-hand that preparation in killing the bear, killing the lion; WITH HIS BARE HANDS. When David went to check on his brothers, he had no clue what was before him. For this very moment in the history of Israel, David, probably in his teenage years, was prepared for what was ahead, because of his rock-solid relationship with God Almighty.

Goliath, a Philistine, a seasoned warrior – Mocking Israel, mocking God Almighty. David comes on the scene and he cannot believe what he is hearing or seeing as the Israel army shake “in their boots.” He is inquisitive and his brother, Eliab quickly tells him to mind his own business. David does not let those words penetrate his heart. He knew the relationship he had with God Almighty. He knew because it was deeply instilled during those nights of watching his father’s sheep. Deeply instilled when he killed the bear and the lion. HE KNEW God’s faithfulness. To him, Goliath was just like that bear and lion he had killed with his bear hands. So, his brother’s unkind words did not penetrate his heart. I feel, those words inspired him even more.

David was prepared physically, but Saul felt he needed to help. No way could David face a giant without armor, a helmet, and a sword. David appeased King Saul and put these items on and even took a few steps. It did not take David but a few seconds to realize that these were not going to help him but hinder. He went with what he knew; HIS GOD, HIS STAFF, HIS SLINGSHOT and FIVE STONES. There are times I try to replace the simplicity of God’s plan with the difficult, burdensome layers of me trying to be God in my life. Saul meant well, but David KNEW his victory was not in those items. HIS VICTORY WOULD BE IN GOD ALMIGHTY. His forever faithful friend.

David was prepared mentally. He had already declared VICTORY in his heart and mind and stated it verbally, “You come against me with sword and spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty……The Battle is the Lord’s and he will give all of you into our hands.” He was so ready that he ran towards the battle line, his focus, taking out this defying giant, Goliath.

David ran toward Goliath, a giant, but how often do we run away from those “giants” in our lives? Cowering in defeat! We all have “giants” in our lives. How we choose to fight, is the question? In God’s strength, we can stand, we can fight and yes claim GOD’S VICTORY!

David’s mental preparation was built upon his personal one on one with God Almighty. His physical preparation was his life experiences.

How we fight, our choice! Each “giant” we choose God’s way or our way. We choose God’s strength or our strength. Or just maybe there are times, we choose to not fight at all. Choosing to allow that “giant” to slowly suck the very life from us.

I will admit, I have been in all three “stations” of battle mentioned. I have fought in God’s strength. I have fought in my own and yes, I have also not fought at all, cowering to that “giant.” With those experiences, I know, just like David, that only through God can that “giant” be killed. “Giants” to us, but with God they are just “ants” in our lives. Smiling, I just noticed that the word “ants” is in “giants”! Coincidence, NO, God is God and even shows up in the spelling of words. He wants us to choose HIM and in doing so those “giants” in our lives, well they are nothing but “ants” to Him.