Psalm 42:4, “These things I remember.” The outside margin of my bible, at this verse, I have written, I know God is with me. One reason, because of the things I remember HIM DOING, MY SPECIAL GOD MOMENTS!

God does work in mysterious ways. There are times His ways are thunderous, no question, you know it is God. Other times it is a whisper. How many “whispers” have I not heard? How many whispers have I not recognized?

This was my scheduled reading for this day. The thoughts stated above, I had quickly written down before starting my day or life would happen and they could be lost in the craziness of that life. This day, I was going to spend with my sweet niece, Rebecca. She was in for a visit. Before taking her to The Retreat in Cole Camp, Missouri, I needed to put my real estate sign in a client’s yard. The many times I had visited this home, I always took I 70 to Noland Road then head north. As I approached Lee’s Summit Road, I told Rebecca that I was going to take this exit. I even commented that I always took Noland Road. Less than a minute, police cars, firetrucks were passing us going the opposite direction. Seeing that, one knew something had taken place. We arrived at the home, I put my sign out, spoke briefly with the elderly couple and we were on our way. I decided to take Noland Rd to get on I 70 East. I seldom take this route back to Blue Springs. Once on the interstate, we came upon a massive wreck involving tractor-trailers and cars on the westbound side. The site shook me to my soul. Unexplainable moments. The moment that I chose to get off an earlier exit instead of the normal route. There is no doubt in my heart that God whispered, because HE KNEW, just a half a mile ahead was danger. Taking Noland Rd back to the interstate, He had something he wanted me to see, A GOD MOMENT FOR ME, which after I shared my bible reading with Rebecca, became one for her too. Unexplainable Moments – my God moments to continue to teach me that HE IS GOD. I am HIS CHILD and HE WILL NEVER LEAVE ME, and HE HAS MY BACK.

I am truly thankful for those no question, thunderous moments, but also for those quiet whispers!

“I will put my HOPE in God, for I will yet praise HIM, my Savior and my God.” Psalm 42:11b