Recently I had the opportunity to run a 10K (6.2 Miles) at the Kansas City Marathon.  It is part of my journey back from a knee injury, in April 2018, where I was attempting my third half marathon (13.1 miles).   I’ve heard from numerous people reading this blog site, about your walks, fitness programs, and running.  I’ve stated many times, it really doesn’t matter what you do just get out there and do it and, I will always try to encourage you.

Why does Race day hold a special place in my heart?  It’s the culmination of hard work and commitment just to get to that day. The anticipation is real.  The only reason I’m writing about race day is, I want to make sure I give God glory for helping me get to that day.

My running is by the mercy of God!  I will do my best to tell that story.  When I say that I’m telling that story, I’m in the process of writing a book entitled, “My Faith Has Made Me Well.”  It’s not a book about running. It’s a book about faith, and the ability that God can give above and beyond what you think you can do, if you will believe in Him. Not just faith to accomplish, but faith, in the Father, for what He wants you to do. Faith in a purpose or a cause that God calls you too.

If you don’t believe that God has called you to a purpose for your life, you are missing out on being all that God wants you to be.

I’ve had the privilege of participating in five race days, and Lord willing, more to come.

This past race day we had the opportunity to pray with a young lady prior to the race.  I was so encouraged to hear a little about her journey back to being able to run again.  If she reads this, I hope she will reach out to us and give us the opportunity to tell her story.

I tried to tell everyone I could, on my last Race day, that I’m running because, of the mercy, of God.  I tried to say it loud and often. FTT, I kept saying, “From Him, Through Him and To Him are all things” and, running on race day is one of those things. The mercy God was given to me, to run, based on Romans 9:16, “…it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy.”

The next race day I will have that posted, on a sheet of paper, pinned, on my back, so that I make sure, I give God the glory for what He has done.

That is my story and with God’s help I plan to tell it.  Are you telling your story?  Faith is the key, but not just faith to believe, faith in a person.  That person is Jesus Christ. He wants to help you do more than you ever thought or dreamed you could. is a story in itself.  Donna and I try really hard to make this about the Father. Our consistent prayer is that you will Join with Us to seek life together.

if you have a story you would like to share, please let us know. It is those stories, that will encourage others in the journey of life.

Rayburn Hare