I stumbled upon one of my scribbled notes. Remember, if I do not write a thought down, it will get lost in the throngs of life! I do not remember when I wrote it, but it did make me smile as I read. On the piece of paper was written, “What address do I long to be at”?

The timing, well we know that God’s timing is perfect! Why was I smiling? Just this past week, Rayburn and I seriously contemplated putting our home on the market to sell, in the quest for a new address. Is it time that we “downsize”? The real estate market is CRAZY in favor of a seller. The home values escalating! Hey Lord, wisdom needed!!! Yes WISDOM, a heart SOS! Yes, some serious heart-searching on my part. Psalm 22:24b, “He has not hidden His face, but has listened to MY cry for help.” Fourteen years ago, we sought a home that Rayburn and I could grow old together. A home that would accommodate our growing family. Nothing fancy or even new, just warm and inviting. My heart, very content with what God gave us. This is our earthly home, one filled with memories, sweet and yes, not so sweet. Life, children growing into adults. Those adults marrying and giving us those blessed, incredible, awesome GRANDCHILDREN. Oh, I can get so carried away mentioning those “GRANDGIFTS.”

Rayburn and I talking again, just yesterday. Maybe God was testing our hearts on the “address” of our home. As the old saying states, “Home is where your heart is.” Where is my heart, Father? You know! Nothing hid! This past Tuesday, a sense of unexplainable peace flooding my soul as I released my earthly “address” to Him. That was Tuesday. Then finding my scribbled note Friday, “What “address” do I long to be at”?

Earthly address, God knows my heart, the willingness of my heart, but for right now, we will remain in the home HE brought us too, fourteen years ago. A home that HE used then to teach us about HIMSELF and the plans HE had for us. He is not finished, wasn’t then, not now. NEVER want HIM to be until that day, I fall on my knees, feeling HIS embrace and welcoming me home. Forever settled at my heavenly address……. HEAVEN!