Sunday morning, our church sang an old hymn of the faith, My Savior’s Love. As we sang, the words of that beloved hymn, penetrated hearts. How do I know, because it penetrated mine! As I sang and pondered God’s amazing grace in my life, I was overcome with emotions as my soul soured to heights above. As my soul thought upon God’s love for me, THE PUREST OF LOVE for me and myself being a sinner, condemned and unclean, BUT he took upon himself, my sins and my sorrows. He made them his very own. He suffered on a cruel cross and DIED, all alone, for me!
I stand amazed that because of this LOVE, that one day, I will be with the ransomed in glory. I WILL SEE MY SAVIOR FACE TO FACE and yes, through the ages, FOREVER I will sing of his love for me.
The question for you, where have you chosen to be? It is a choice. God’s love being extended to you. Accept what he did on the cross, admit your need for him as your Savior and one day, TOGETHER, we will sing of our Savior’s love For ALL ETERNITY and what a blessed time that will be.