Have mercy on me, Oh God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings UNTIL THE DISASTER has passed. Psalm 57:1

During a storm, a mother eagle will gather her “children” and place her wings over them. She is protecting them while she takes the brunt of the storm.

We as a nation are amid a STORM. This storm has a name, COVID-19. It is affecting every aspect of our lives. The affects different for each one. There are many who do not know how financially ends will be met. There are many with children in the home, where parents have been thrown in the midst of schooling. If the truth is known, many of these parents would be the first to say that they need to go back to school. Schedules have been turned upside down! Chaos abounds……… SOS, SOS, SOS is heard throughout.

How can one find true peace, in the midst of this “STORM”? The answer is found in God’s Word, “For in YOU, God Almighty, I will take refuge.” Where? UNDER HIS WINGS! How? By running to HIM, captivating unnerving thoughts. Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about ANYTHING…” Choosing HIS JOY, “Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again; Rejoice.” Philippians 4:4


You may say that you have no place of escape. There is no refuge! Be creative, God is not in a box. Susanna Wesley, in a part of her quiet time, would sit amongst her 14 plus children, and throw her apron over her head. Her children KNEW this meant business. They knew their mother needed to go into the throne room of God and they were to be QUIET!

We choose!

“My heart is steadfast oh God, my heart is steadfast I will sing and make music.” (Psalm 57:7) SING, listen to encouraging music. Allowing the words to wash over and soothe those fears. Take those children by the hands, make a joyful noise and DANCE! Creating laughter, releasing endorphins…. God made medicine. Proverbs 17:22, “A Cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries the bones.”

We choose!

Write God’s Word on note cards. TAPE THEM EVERYWHERE! Memorize, hiding God’s Word in the heart. Doing this will allow our minds to be kept in perfect peace as stated in Isaiah 26:3. This peace is so important because it WILL FLOW from you into those lives you are with.

Until this disaster has passed and it will, what do we choose? I choose to be under the wings of Almighty God, my personal Savior. Knowing HIS FAITHFULNESS is as great as HIS LOVE, constant and true. I choose to be strong and courageous. I choose to not be terrified and discouraged. Why? Because I know that God is with me wherever I go and with me in ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. Joshua 1:9

I choose to dwell and take refuge in the shadows of HIS WINGS. A sweet thought, those wings are infinite, and my soul is at peace. I choose this for me! What do you choose?

Do you have creative ideas to share about your refuge? I would love to hear from you.