My morning was filled with packing, leaving for the airport, checking in, security line, then off to my gate. I had been working on a post. While waiting at my gate, I added more thoughts and was going to finish it on my flight home. That was my plan, but God had a different one.

The seat next to me was vacant. No, I had not prayed that morning who I would sit beside. Yes, that sadden my heart, but the lady, that chose the seat, next to me had. How do I know, she shared that with me? Immediately bearing my soul that, in my haste, I had not.

There was an immediate connection, one such that there was no question, that by God’s design, our paths were to cross.

As I sit here, at my special “window seat” I ponder the special quest that God ushered into my life and I am so humbled.

Sylvia graced my life for two and half hours. We shared family, our work, but more than these, we shared JESUS. God had ushered this godly lady into the doors of my heart. She was his special guest to me.

Every morning, while making my bed, I pray the Prayer of Jabez. It is a habit, I have chosen to do. This prayer, God has used in my life, “Lord bless me, bless me indeed. Increase my territories, keep your hand upon me, keep evil and harm away and help me not to cause any pain.” The phrase, “increase my territories” always provokes questions within me. As I made my bed this morning, praying this prayer, God brought to my mind, Sylvia. I do not know how God is going to use her in my life. I do have a specific cry of my heart and I do know, THAT GOD KNOWS, the desires of my heart as well as Sylvia’s. Increase my territories!! God sweetly spoke to my heart. Donna, I know the cries of your heart. I know whose life you need to touch and the life that needs to touch yours. I AM ALMIGHTY GOD, creator of all things and yes, HE CARES!

I am humbled and the tears flow, as thoughts permeate my soul, about the goodness of my heavenly Father. Ushering Sylvia, my unexpected guest, into my life.

What are the desires of your heart? Share them with God. Sure, he already knows, but loves to hear them from you. God’s blessings, those desires, one never knows how they will be sent. For me, a vacant seat on an airplane. By God’s design, to increase my territories, he sweetly gave me, my new friend, Sylvia.