Often when I fly, I ponder even pray over who will sit in the vacant seat next to me. Whose life can I touch or who will touch mine!

Before I share an event of this past week, I must go back four months. God had a special gift for me as I flew. I wrote about her in my post, “The Unexpected Guest.” Sylvia, a lady that I had the privilege to meet and share life with for the hours we flew from Raleigh, NC to St. Louis, MO. It was flying those friendly skies, that a friendship was born. A far away friendship of 1200 miles. Sylvia and I have much in common, but the most important common thread is JESUS. Though very thankful for Sylvia, I made a plea to my heavenly Father, even questioning why those friends, always seemed to be far away.

Yesterday flying, the seat next to me was vacant. I remember putting my hand on that seat, said a little prayer, “Who will you have sitting here Lord?” It wasn’t long before a lady stopped and asked if the seat was taken. I replied telling her that the seat was vacant. She immediately settled in, took out a book and began to read. I took out my notebook and began to write, working on a new blogpost. As I was writing, she leaned over and stated, “I see you love to write too.” She opened the door for me to share a story, in a nutshell. She intrigued, asked questions. Answers followed. I asked her questions – the common thread of the conversation was JESUS. Her answers revealed a deep love relationship with her Heavenly Father and my heart soared! Her name Peggy, my new friend. The distance from my home to hers, 7 miles. Imagine that!

I know in the journey of life; things don’t just happen. EVERYTHING by HIM planned. The puzzle pieces, He knows when and where each piece will fit. EVEN A VACANT SEAT on an airplane. He is the master creator of those friendly skies creating friendships designed by HIM.