What is life? Does life just happen? I’ve heard that statement that life happens. I’ve also heard that life happens somewhere between empty and full. So, if that’s true where are you on the gauge? I realize that life is not just our health or well-being, but is life really about us? I know we make it about us. Am I OK health wise, or am I OK in my career, or how’s my family life? Lots of questions we face every day about life.
Well I want to take a different look and maybe examine what life really is. The Bible says in John 14:6 that I am life and then in Matthew 6:33 Jesus says to seek His kingdom and His righteousness first. I believe that Jesus is the answer to every issue of life, but I also believe for that belief system to work we must seek Him first.
What does it mean then to seek Him first to make Jesus your life? Well I don’t have all the answers to that question but what I do know that He has to come first in my thinking and my actions. For me that starts with choices that I make about my time. The things that I choose to do, places I go and even the things that I watch. It’s not my place to tell you what those things are I just know from personal experience that when I’m seeking the father first that I find myself thinking about some things that enter my life. When I think about those things then I start asking saying “self Is this pleasing me or the Father”? Once I come to that place when I’m having those thoughts I become aware of how much me gets its way. Sometimes I wish the battle with self could be won with just brute strength or by fighting with my hands, but it really is often an internal struggle over what I want versus what Jesus through His Spirit ask of me. The choice is always mine to make and too often I chose my own way.
Isaiah 53:6 says we have all turned to our own way. I think that’s what life is, simply choosing His way or my way. I think those choices are there all day every day and the more we choose His way the more we seek Him first. This whole blog effort is not about me and my ideas. I’ve failed at seeking Him first for most of my life, but I have this intense passion to get it right most of the time. What I’ve learned about my own life is that He knows my heart and He knows every time I make a good choice and yes, He knows when I make a wrong choice, but He still loves me and still draws me to Himself.
Only Jesus can take even my wrong choices and make something good come from them (Romans 8:28) but that only comes when we are seeking Him first. So, my question at the beginning what is life? Life is Jesus. When I make all of life about Him first, I find that all of life makes so much more sense. I am not saying that all of life gets better. I’m saying that when I make life about Him and not me then life makes much more sense. He can and might make life better. We have a loving Father that always wants us to have those things that will bring us joy, but He has to come first. Join with me as I seek the father and try to make life about Him and not about me. Start by saying “self today I will make life about Jesus” and see what happens.
That’s what’s so neat about life with Jesus. A step of faith and belief in Him no matter how simple it is can make life change in a minute. Remember, Jesus can take a few small fish and feed thousands just by giving the fish to Him. Also remember that Ps.56:9 says that God is for me. So just make that commitment today and say I will choose Jesus first today and see what happens. I would love to hear your story so please share by clicking the contact tab. Thanks. I hope you’ll stay plugged in to JoinWithMe.life. Your story can serve others and will make a difference in my life for sure.