Welcome To Our Journey Together
Welcome to JoinWithMe.life. We are excited that you chose to visit our site, which enables us to do life together. What you’ll find here is people writing and recording content in the areas of faith, family, fitness and fulfillment. It is our sincere desire to keep JoinWithMe.life updated with content that will be both real and fun. So, fasten your seat belts. It will be an awesome journey! Please take the time to watch this short video to learn more about who we are and more about JoinWithMe.life
Thank You! Rayburn & Donna Hare

Day After Day With Rayburn
Recent Blog Posts
My Bromeliad
The above picture is my Bromeliad, right after I purchased it. This beautiful plant has a special place at The Retreat in Cole Camp. Last week when I was there, I noticed the beautiful bloom was looking different. So, like most earthly things I have a question about,...
Is Anything Too Hard For Me?
Almighty God, the creator of the Universe, SPEAKING it all into existence. Almighty God, who performed MIRACLES, parting the Red Sea, David killing Goliath, Jonah, and the whale. Then there is Daniel in the lion’s den, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into...
Mary or Martha ……or Both?
Have you ever compared yourself to Mary or Martha? An honest answer from me….YES! I absolutely love the story where Jesus and his crew came to the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. More than likely no advanced notice given. Jesus knew the “welcome mat” was at the...
A Little Oil And A Dash Of Salt
It is hard to believe that it has been three years since we started on this journey with Join With Me Ministries. This post was the very first one that I wrote(July 2018). I remember sending it to Chris Cummings, our website designer. I waited for his response to my...
God Moment Series: His Weaving!
As I sit and ponder the writing of this post, one thing for sure stands out; the Sovereignty of God Almighty, and when HE IS SOUGHT, He WILL BE FOUND. And may I add, He will use whatever means needed to accomplish the searching of the searcher. Recently, Rayburn and I...
Prune Away…….
As I read John 15, I saw something in a different light than I had ever seen. God, as only He does, using His special flashlight. I can testify that I have experienced Him using His special flashlight many times in my life. We are very complex people. Many, many areas...