It is hard to believe that it has been three years since we started on this journey with Join With Me Ministries. This post was the very first one that I wrote(July 2018).  I remember sending it to Chris Cummings, our website designer. I waited for his response to my writing and his response, as I wrote in my book, ignited my soul. Three years of this journey and I can truly say, “To God be the glory!”

To say that I love to be in the kitchen baking and cooking, is an understatement. I must give honor to my mother for instilling this love.

When I was young, as young as nine years old, my mother would encourage me to go to the kitchen, bake, cook, have fun. My mother grew up during the Great Depression. She was not allowed in the kitchen to bake and cook, for fear of wasting a cup of flour or a cup of sugar. Our family was not wealthy, but the times were different. At nine years old, I was filling orders for cakes and pies, for my mother’s co-workers. The aromas of the kitchen flooded my soul, but it was the love of Jesus, seen in my mom and dad, that captivated my soul. Let me explain. When I was eight years old, my mom and dad were introduced to Jesus. In three months, I saw this Jesus transform our family. I knew Jesus was the reason and I wanted that same Jesus. In December 1964, I went to my mother and told her that I wanted to be saved, just like her and daddy. I wanted Jesus in my life. That evening, I asked Jesus to be my Savior.

I have more to write, but just wanted to wet your appetite, sprinkled with a little sugar, seasoned with just the right amount of salt and a little oil, to begin this journey. A journey, to me, is better when you journey together. Seeking life, sharing life with all it’s ups and downs, twist and turns, hurdles to jump, some only enough strength to crawl through. This is life. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” God has a recipe for us. He longs for us to taste and see that He is good. Come along with me as we sift together these recipes of life. Incorporated with a little oil and a dash of salt.