Our niece, Rebecca Mauk Crabtree, posted this on Facebook. It touched my heart as I read, the genuine cry of her heart. I knew it needed to be posted on JoinWithMe.life. The following is from her:

I have a lot of mixed emotions about Mother’s Day. Many reasons and I will share just one with you.
We were only married six months when we were told we would never be able to give birth to a child. We were not planning at that point when we would have children, but it was taken from me or at least that’s what it felt like. That was April and then Mother’s Day came. I remember sitting in church having moms stand; newest mom, oldest mom and I thought how about the ones that want to be moms BUT CAN’T. It was hard and I still struggle even now that I am a mom through adoption. There are women that are not sure they will ever see that dream come true. There are women whose children do not talk to them. There are women who have been hurt badly by their mother. There are women who had to say goodbye to their children. There are women who place their child in the arms of another. I know it seems like I am focused on the negative side, but the truth is, this holiday can be hard for so many.

Please know I am over joyed with the blessings, from God, with giving us Grayden. I am just sensitive to the ones that might find Sunday hard. I SEE YOU! One step in front of the other and know that the desires of your heart are there for a reason. In time, it will come to be, and it will be oh so sweet, but it is ok for it to hurt right now. IT IS OK!