Each morning as I make my bed, I pray the Prayer of Jabez. It is a simple prayer, a faithful prayer. Over the years, this simple prayer has made a great impact on my life.

This morning, I didn’t get past the “bless me” before I was overwhelmed with this incredible awe that I was asking Almighty God, the creator of this universe, the redeemer of my soul, to bless me. I know this heart of mine, yet I am being ushered into the very presence of Almighty God, and I fall on my knees. Tears flow. My heart laid open. There is no hiding my concerns, my cares, my frustrations, MY LIFE! There is no hiding, He knows all. Even when I am so overwhelmed with being in His presence, HE KNOWS WHAT MY MOUTH CANNOT SPEAK. He knows!

Bless me, bless me indeed, the cry of Jabez’s heart. The cry of my heart and God granted his request.

I Chronicles 4:9-10
“Oh, that you would bless me, bless me indeed. Increase my territories, keep your hand upon me, keep evil and harm away and help me not to cause any pain. And God granted his request.”

I challenge you, as I was challenged many years ago, to make this prayer a part of your day. Put God to the test, HE LOVES SHOWING UP, in ways exceedingly abundantly above all you could ever think or imagine.