I am reading an intriguing book of the Bible, Ecclesiastes. Intrigued so much I would like to do a study of this book.

While reading chapter eight, this thought came to me. What are we carrying around that needs to be emptied? There are many ways that we “carry” these things because we are all different with different things that weigh us down. As I thought on this, worries, fears, anxieties, doubts, hurts, and failures are a few of mine. I am sure there are many and you could create a different list.

There are times the “weight” of these, many times it can even be a combination of “weights,” yes, giving that double blow to life. This “weight” becomes so much that we collapse. This collapse showing up in our physical state, in our mental state. The weight, just too much! What can be done? For me, this is where the habit of emptying those “pockets’ MUST BE DONE!!!!!!  Casting all my cares, woes, defeats, out of the “pockets” of my heart, my life, and onto Jesus. Whether I do this daily or many times throughout my day, it must be done. I Peter 5:7, KJV: “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.” I just envisioned this verse; my “pockets” are full, weighted down. I reach in and grab a handful of STUFF and start throwing it at my heavenly Father’s feet. I even put a name to it, as I throw it with force. Other times with no strength at all, it just rolls bathed in tears.

We know the joy robbers. We know because we allowed these, one way or another, to be put in the “pockets” and even allowed to expand. The weight upon weight, because we hash it over and over. Re-live over and over creating this “monster.” This I know. I have allowed these weighted pockets to rob me, and it is only when I cast that “weight” at my Father’s feet, I can exchange the spirit of despair for a garment of praise. Isaiah 63:7

Why is it amazing to us, that when we focus on the weighted pockets, that weight gets heavier, but when we cast that weight off and our focus is Jesus, the burden is light. Matthew 11:30 There is an old song, that came to my mind, that we would sing in Children’s Sunday school. I remember singing it and we even put motions to it. The words to this old song are; Roll away, roll away, roll away, every burden of my heart, roll away. Roll away, roll away, roll away, every burden of my heart roll away. Every sin has to go, through the crimson flow, roll away, roll away, roll away, every burden of my heart roll away. Sweet memories of being taught to roll my burdens, those weighted pockets, onto Jesus.

Please know, I am no way downplaying the “weight.” Many times, that “weight” is years of piling on and professional help is needed. But this I KNOW Jesus is the Great Physician. He cares and loves us perfectly. I remember a time of deep struggle, the weight so intense, feeling of being crushed. I remember my prayer and I remember the sweetness of my Savior as I heard him say, “Donna, when are you going to trust me?” I remember that certain “pocket,” the heaviness of that pocket. One that I had carried around for years and I simply said, “Right now Lord, right now.” The weight was immediately GONE. YES, GONE! I still remember the tears of jubilation.

Hebrews 12:1, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything(weight) that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Emptied pockets……. helps with running the race!