Keeping God’s commandments require obedience and this is how we express love toward God. Obedience, I have found IS a physical act. It is only those who do not understand the simplicity of trust that will not obey, because He works it into your will and to do of HIS GOOD PLEASURE. So in other words, you believe. He keeps you, instead of continually trying to keep yourself, which you will never accomplish in and of yourself. This faith accomplishes obedience. Faith s beyond what our eyes can comprehend, because our God is supernatural above natural. There is nothing out of HIS reach. It is definitely out of our flesh and realty.

We are created to NOT FAIL….sit in that….with the HOLY SPRIRIT in us, FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. Failure is of this world and is learned. It requires and act of faith to believe…..and then the obedience to follow through and not rely on self.