
Family is a title we give to those that are dear to our hearts.  The meaning and purpose of family has never been more important in the cultures of today.


Life!!! Yesterday, February 1, 2022, we attended the funeral of Riley Youngblood. A young man, twenty-three years of age, who had touched many lives. The overflowing church was evidence of the love and care from him. I watched from the balcony as his mother bent over...

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Whatever You Wish

Whatever You Wish

Original post was written in May 2020 Almost a year ago, I wrote a post, “My Address.” That was then, this is now. God’s timing…..ALWAYS on time and special blessings to those willing to “BE STILL” and simply TRUST! If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask...

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In my Bible reading this past week, there is one word that has created thought-provoking ponderings. The word FAITHFUL has taken me back in time and has hurled me forward into the world of the unknown. Yes, unknown to me, but not to MY GOD! As I thought about this...

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