
Physical fitness is key to overall health and wellness, but you don’t have to be a lean mean fitness machine to be fit.  You just have to be committed.

Pain of Loss

Pain of Loss

Sometimes God does things that I can’t understand. My day started out pretty normal on December 19, 2017. Around noon, I received a text that our grandson Evan was going to the hospital. Unfortunately, that was pretty normal, too. Evan had been suffering through brain...

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Health and Your Heart, Part Two

Health and Your Heart, Part Two

When we experience tension in our life and in our heart, the beautiful opportunity for growth and stretching is present. In the tension and the uncomfortableness we are being established by God, IN HIS GLORY. In these moments we have a choice to press into him for the...

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Health and Your Heart, part One

Health and Your Heart, part One

It's not about the fitness. It's about losing what weighs you down. It's about worshipping by "moving our bodies. It's about identity. It's about purpose. It's about freedom. It's about truth and love. It's about our heart! What if our "exercise" was to improve our...

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