
Physical fitness is key to overall health and wellness, but you don’t have to be a lean mean fitness machine to be fit.  You just have to be committed.

I Love Race Day!

I Love Race Day!

  Recently I had the opportunity to run a 10K (6.2 Miles) at the Kansas City Marathon.  It is part of my journey back from a knee injury, in April 2018, where I was attempting my third half marathon (13.1 miles).   I’ve heard from numerous people reading this...

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Joy of Your “Get To”

Joy of Your “Get To”

From Donna -- This post is written by Megan Foltz, a dear friend that is ALL IN for her Savior. Her energy and love for Jesus is CONTAGIOUS. Her husband, Darin writes, "The infectious love and Joy of a Savior and a leader reflected through a human being...that's my...

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Fitness 101

Fitness 101

When Rayburn and I were first married, I would run with him. I would do one mile, while he continued doing his five. At that time, Rayburn was a lean mean (sweet) machine. My running did not last long! Me, I am a walker. I have a 5K done in 47 minutes, officially in...

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Moving Forward

Moving Forward

  At the top of this article are two pictures.  One, the ladies track team from Drury University in Springfield, MO.   The other, a married couple, with twins in a stroller. I encountered the track team, on a trail in Branson, MO that I run when I’m in Branson.  The...

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