“…For you know your servant. There is no one like you, Oh Lord, and there is no God but you.” I Chronicles 17:18,20

I have dwelt on this passage for the past several days. It was given to me on my special Romans 8:28 day. Yes, that special day is August, the eighth month, the 28th day. I wrote an earlier post about my special day that I call my Romans 8:28 Day. When you have a moment, go back through Donna’s Diner and read.

David knew firsthand that NOTHING is hid from God. NOTHING can be covered up. His heart cry, “For you know your servant.” I stopped and dwelt deeply on that statement. Some true soul searching going on….” FOR YOU KNOW.” What continues to amaze me, God knows all and still loves me UNCONDITIONALLY! There is NOTHING I can do to make God love me more and there is NOTHING I can do to make Him love me less. His love, constant and true, YES, THAT IS AMAZING!

God knows our thoughts, our actions, yes, those good intents and not so good. He knows all our days because He planned them before the foundation of the world. He planned who would touch our lives and who we would touch. His planning gave us everything we would need to carry out that purpose. Instilling the Holy Spirit to lead, to convict and encourage. He also gave us HIS HOLY WORD. This done, to allow us, in our finite mind, to “KNOW HIM” and give us instructions on this journey, we call LIFE.

David knew this. A man after God’s own heart! David knew his victories and his failures. I too, know the same for me. My heart cry, “God, you know me, your servant. I am in AWE of you LONGING for me to seek you (Matt. 6:33), to love you (Mark 12:30). You long for me to have an intimate walk with you. For you alone know that all things work out for good, to those who love you, who are called according to YOUR purpose (Rom. 8:28) ……. FOR YOU KNOW”!