
What brings fulfillment to your life?  Why we are here?  What is my contribution to this world?  Do you have purpose and direction in life? These are questions we struggle with at times.  We will share our journey as we seek Jesus to find these answers.

I Will Be Found

I Will Be Found

In this journey of my life, enjoying immensely the platform to write, I find myself looking and listening for God. Yes, MY GOD! He promises to be found when I seek him. Deuteronomy 4:29 states, “But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you...

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For YOU Know!

For YOU Know!

“…For you know your servant. There is no one like you, Oh Lord, and there is no God but you.” I Chronicles 17:18,20 I have dwelt on this passage for the past several days. It was given to me on my special Romans 8:28 day. Yes, that special day is August, the eighth...

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