As I sit and ponder the writing of this post, one thing for sure stands out; the Sovereignty of God Almighty, and when HE IS SOUGHT, He WILL BE FOUND. And may I add, He will use whatever means needed to accomplish the searching of the searcher.

Recently, Rayburn and I made a trip to Greenville, South Carolina. We attended Bob Jones University Bible Conference, and to see dear friends. I wanted to stay through Sunday, Rayburn felt we needed to leave on Saturday. Saturday came and I must admit my heart was a little sad to leave. I love Greenville, and as I wrote in my book, that city has a special place in my heart. I even asked God to help me focus on Him and not our leaving. It was not long before I knew that my wants would have kept Rayburn and me from an incredible, completely awe display of God Almighty, our Savior.

We arrived at the airport, settled in at our gate. Before I write what happened next, I must go back to the day we flew into Greenville. Our flight from Atlanta was short and had few passengers.  Rayburn and I had chosen our seats as passengers continued to board. A lady passed by, I noticed her and saw her again at the baggage claim.  Rayburn went to get our rental car, we loaded our luggage, and off to find the nearest Bojangles. Yes, we love Bojangles! We went to the closest one and they did not have the dining room open. The next nearest one was at the mall. I told Rayburn we could order and eat at the food court. The mall idea was not our first choice but did not know another option. We went to the mall, but my bone-in chicken-loving husband was not having chicken tenders, only fried chicken option, so we turned to leave. As I turned and walked away, who was standing there, the lady I had seen on the plane and at the baggage claim. This time I stopped to speak to her. It was a brief conversation but enough time to find out she was from India. She had arrived in Greenville to spend a few days with a dear friend. We said our goodbyes and I walked away. That was Tuesday, fast forward to Saturday morning. As I was sitting down at the gate, who appears before me……the same lady I had seen on Tuesday; on our plane, at the baggage claim, and at THE MALL! She had the biggest smile on her face, our greetings were special and I immediately invited her to sit with us. We spoke briefly of our seeing each other at The Mall, of all places. I quickly found out she was flying to Dallas to be with her son. Rayburn and I were flying to Kansas City, BUT God was in control of those flight schedules. We, together, would fly from Greenville, SC to Baltimore, Maryland then to Dallas, Texas, her destination, and our last leg of travel, Dallas to Kansas City. Not to mention, our flight leaving Greenville was delayed an hour……ONLY GOD!

While at the gate, with extra time, we began talking and if you know me, it doesn’t take much to get me talking! Questions asked and answers given.  Her name is Puja. After we talked for a while, Puja looked at me and said, “I want to know God, Donna!” I was quickly reminded of the state my heart was in when I had awakened that morning. A sweet God moment……Only God could orchestrate this!!! She had questions and as we flew those friendly skies, we, Rayburn, Puja, and I talked nonstop. We answered her sincere questions, sowing seeds of truth, God’s Truth.

There was a friendship created that day. Created by the master designer, God Almighty, weaving the tapestries of our lives!

In Jeremiah 29:13, it states, ” You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” And yes, Only God could orchestrate all the above events mentioned. I am humbled and blessed to have been given the opportunity to share HIS TRUTH and have a new friend, my sweet Puja. She is searching and in that seeking, HE WILL BE FOUND.

There are believers that are used to sow seeds of God’s truth and some are used to water that truth, but it is God who gives the increase of that sowing and watering. I Corinthians 3:6-7

“To be used of God to sing, to speak, to pray. To be used of God, to show someone the way. I long so much to feel the touch of HIS CONSUMING FIRE; to be used of God, is my desire.” The chorus from the song, To Be Used of God, by Audrey Mieir