When I wrote my book, “My Journey, One of Faith and Hope” after its completion and it was to be printed, there were areas of my life I wish I had expounded on. I was so focused to stay on point and not go down a lot of “rabbit trails.” One of those areas that I did speak briefly and could have shared more was how God has used music in my life.

In 1979, when I was accepted into Piedmont Bible College, it was the encouragement of my mother to audition for the coral. This was the larger singing group that traveled representing the college. How well I remember that day I auditioned. Professor Smith sat at the piano and played a series of notes that I in turn had to sing back to him. He looked over my resume, which only took a few seconds. Not much to say when it only states church choir and church specials. Mr. Smith looked at me and stated, “Donna, there are many that have tried out with a deep background in music. Many that have had professional voice lessons and music abilities.” My response, ” I know Mr. Smith. I simply have a heart to sing, no accolades after my name.” I left that audition truly did not know if I would be given the opportunity.  A few days later a list of the group was posted and there was my name among some very talented people. I was so excited to tell my mom! Professor Smith, God would use in my life. I count him as a “balcony” person; one always cheering and encouraging. I remember he asked me to sing in chapel. I quickly asked him if he was sure. He looked at me and stated, “Sing from your heart, Donna.”

I know that Professor Smith had a large input on who would represent our college on a larger scale, singing with a quartet. This quartet would travel thousands of miles over the course of several months, and yes, I was extended the invitation, my senior year, to be a part of an amazing group, The New Life Quartet, John Holmes, Jeff Collins, Janet Moore, myself with Cathy Cox at the piano. Larry Watkins was our speaker and his sweet wife, Denise was a special addition.

That was a lifetime ago! An incredible God moment in my life. Professor Smith has since crossed over into glory and will always hold a special place in my heart. He saw a young lady who was willing to work hard, learn from the best. One with a heart to use music to minister.

God used Professor Smith greatly in my life. I can still see his smile, his warmth of caring that flowed from a heart that loved Jesus and others. Over the course of my years, God has used many music pastors and musicians that have encouraged and guided me for which I am so grateful. There is one musician that will forever hold a special place, another “God Moment” given to me by God, His timing is so perfect. His placement is so perfect and my heart soars trying to even begin to comprehend His detailed love for me. God knows when another person is needed to come alongside, traveling a few miles of this life, encouraging, teaching, and just maybe do not know they are being used. Who was that person? I will share in part two!