In this journey of my life, enjoying immensely the platform to write, I find myself looking and listening for God. Yes, MY GOD! He promises to be found when I seek him. Deuteronomy 4:29 states, “But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.” If I am not seeking Him, then I will miss what he has planned for me. Oft times, our daily lives so filled with life that we miss the giver of life. Yes, even chasing dreams, can cause us to miss God’s purpose for our lives. With this note, I can say, I am seeking Him in ways I never have thought of before.

I am on a mission. A mission of pointing people to Jesus. Recently I had an opportunity to listen to an interview. This interview was with a man who had lost his wife to cancer. The interview was about his journey with grief and seeking God in that grief. Before her passing, he asked her if she had any regrets. She responded, “I regret that I did not touch more people for Jesus.” As I sat there and listened, I pondered what my answer or answers would be. Some deep soul searching. It is with a passion that I write with pen and paper. The opportunity to take a word, a thought, whether read or heard and write a post, THRILLS MY SOUL! And in doing so, pray that souls will be touched.

I write, I mark out, rewrite, step away, pray then return. This is done many times because I want all honor and glory to go to my heavenly Father. I do not claim to be a writer, just a seeker of MY GOD, penning my journey in words and praying that if ONE POST, impacts ONE HEART for eternity, then my feeble attempts will be worth it all!