A few months ago, Rayburn had an opportunity to visit his sisters. While he was there, he captured some sweet moments on video with his two sisters, Ann and Kathy. Those videos are posted on this site. He then talked one on one with Kathy. Kathy has been in the midst of a storm, called Cancer. She longs, for her story, to give encouragement to those who are in the midst of that storm too, but she also LONGS to give God the glory for the things HE HATH DONE.

This past week she went into the hospital for another round of chemo treatment. Very aggressive chemo treatment. She was apprehensive, had some anxious thoughts. The treatment instead of “helping” became a foe to her body.

Kathy has courageously wanted to share the journey she encountered this past week. Below is what she shared with me:

When I came in for the chemo on Wednesday, I told Dr. Shearer that I was a bit anxious. I’ve just recovered from a severe intestinal infection and was about to have another round of the chemo, to which I’d already had a mild reaction. But we proceeded with the plan. Things were going well, so I put aside my fears. About 20 minutes into the infusion, I told the nurse that I felt nauseous. She was at the computer, monitoring all my vitals. It seems like seconds after I said that I was nauseous, that my bed was surrounded by nurses. I heard them say that my blood pressure had dropped to a dangerously low level. Then I heard them say that they couldn’t find a pulse. All the time, I was having increasing, excruciating chest pain and I could not get my breath. I felt like I was dying, and I asked myself if this is what it felt like to die? When I tried to speak, it was a whisper. I remember saying, in a whisper, “Help me.” I immediately felt my bed surrounded by people in street clothes, so I knew they were not medical. I recognized Harold Baten, a friend from Goldsboro, still living. So, I knew these were not people who had died before me. Then I was surrounded by the brightest light I have ever seen. Almost like standing before the sun with its warmth. This light filled the whole area of my bed. I didn’t hear any voices or any beckoning to come to heaven. But I felt this warmth surrounding me, comforting me and answering my plea for help. This lasted a very short time, and then I was rushed to ICU. I truly believe that I was at death’s door on Wednesday, but God engulfing me in HIS ARMS, saved me for a job yet to be done. I so want to fulfill the purpose for which I was rescued. There is hope in this life, WITH CHRIST. That is my message to those suffering with cancer or other illness. I can say, “My times are in HIS HANDS.” I am committed to sharing the Gospel of Salvation and Hope with every person I can. This experience has given me new energy to be conformed to THE IMAGE OF CHRIST. I pray that this will bless your heart and drive you to serve the Lord where he has planted you. To God be the glory, great things He hath done. Kathy Vaspory