I have stated in a past post the prayer that I pray every morning as I make my bed. This prayer is The Prayer of Jabez, found in I Chronicles 4:10. The phrase, “increase my territories” has a special place in my heart. God used it many years ago to change my world and the world of my family. That was years ago that I write, in detail, in my book, “My Journey, One of Faith and Hope.” But how is it being used now?

Recently my territories increased. My heart smiles knowing that God has very special things He wants to teach me. Increasing my territories is one way He shows HIMSELF and I am the recipient of many blessings I never thought possible.

How were my territories increased? Rayburn and I crossed paths with a very special group of people; a special group of people that love Jesus and love others in a very big way. We have been recipients of that love.

This past fall Rayburn and I attended an auction for Gospel Light School and the next day attended the Sunday morning service at Fountain of Praise Mennonite Church.

Bringing the message was a young man, Aaron Yoder. He was well prepared, very articulate, and genuine as he spoke. He spoke about being a light and not hiding that light under a basket. He spoke of salt and how salt creates thirst. He then asked a penetrating question, “Do our lives create a thirst that others want to know Jesus?” Another statement Aaron made was, “Be a sponge of the Holy Spirit that what comes from you, word or action, is HIM.” Wow, my soul was fed!

Aaron ended his time with an admonishing of the person we could be. The following are his words; “This person lifts up the people around and there is a thoughtful deliberation and confident action taken in situations that are messy and hard to handle. You can see even when no words are spoken or actions taken, the presence of God radiating. This person’s very being radiates Christ’s redemption. This person cares more about being sold out for Christ than being liked; unashamed, courageous, forgiving, and wise. This person’s character has in it the steadfastness of Daniel, the praise and worship of David, the loyalty and courage of Ruth and Esther. Does this person have flaws? Sure! That will always be present. Like David, there is forgiveness and a desire to keep reaching higher…….this person is you, it is who you could be!”

Thank you, Aaron Yoder, a young man who God used to challenge me. His words challenged me to be a light in this dark and hurting world. He challenged me to live in such a way that my life creates a thirst for the things of Christ, and that my life when squeezed, it is the Holy Spirit that flows forth!

Bless me, bless me indeed, INCREASE MY TERRITORIES, keep your hand upon me, keep evil and harm away and help me to not cause any pain…..and GOD GRANTED HIS REQUEST. I Chronicles 4:10, 11

My territories being increased has greatly BLESSED ME!!