Almighty God, the creator of the Universe, SPEAKING it all into existence. Almighty God, who performed MIRACLES, parting the Red Sea, David killing Goliath, Jonah, and the whale. Then there is Daniel in the lion’s den, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace and yes, lived to tell about it. These are just a few in the Old Testament. Let us name a few from the New Testament. Jesus’ virgin birth, the lame made to walk, blind made to see and water to wine. How about Peter walking on water, feeding of 5000 plus people, and then the VICTORIOUS resurrection of Jesus. God’s Word is filled with miracles. Miracles to encourage our hearts.

Before taking my Bible to read this morning, I must admit my heart is heavy for several reasons. It is easy to write about the joy I want in my life. To write an encouraging post about how our ATTITUDES affect our GRATITUDE, but I too am human. I had just finished weeping. We all need a good cry, don’t we? Even Jesus wept, John 11:35. His weeping showed that he is acquainted with our grief. He was a man of sorrows, those sorrows that he bore, were not his sorrows, but ours. Why? Because of his great love, completely full of love….FOR US!
God gave us emotions. We laugh, we grieve, we celebrate, we weep. God KNOWS OUR FRAME. We are finite and easily broken. There are times in my life that I must choose, I must cling, I must cry out to my God. “Father, I am about to be overtaken.” I know this wretched heart of mine. I am weeping again! And my precious heavenly Father, God Almighty, KNOWS! He is so full of love for me, he bares my sorrow and he sweetly gives of himself. How? My scheduled reading of HIS WORD!

Jeremiah 32:27, “Donna, Is there anything too hard for me?” I lay prostrate before him, open. My tears at his feet and with that, I again choose. I take a deep breath, wipe the tears away, and simply TRUST. I KNOW there is nothing too hard for MY GOD, for he is FAITHFUL, and he LOVES ME WITH AN EVERLASTING LOVE!

My Bible reading continued and God had another little jewel for me. Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” God compelling me to come and lay my hurts, my concerns, my fears, my questions at his feet, and GIVE THANKS. Jeremiah 33:11, “Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good: his love endures forever.”

Is there anything too hard for him? NO! He is God who fully loves….you and me! God Almighty longs to show up and show off. HE IS THE GOD OF MIRACLES. Many times longing for us to be still and TRUST His Word! HE’S GOT THIS!