We just celebrated Easter. We celebrate his death, burial and resurrection. WHY? These are foundations for our HOPE and FAITH. This sacrifice given, so that we could spend all eternity with GOD ALMIGHTY. WHY? He longs for us to be with him in heaven……for all eternity. For that to happen, Jesus paid our sin price, with his life that he gave. NO MAN TOOK IT FROM HIM. We, simply, must receive that gift, the glorious free gift of Salvation.

We do have much to celebrate! He is our hope and one day, he will come back for us. Whether we are awake, or our body is in the grave, we will hear the trumpet sound and together, be caught up, in the clouds with him.

The grave that Jesus left behind gives us a sweet insight to what he did and is going to do for us. Jewels for us to ponder and in amazement uncover sweet truths. Yes, HIS grave housed incredible truths and, one can shout, Hallelujah, What a Savior. What do we see in this grave? For one, Jesus was not there! Oh, but there is evidence that he was. What else could he want us to know?

It was Jewish tradition that when people were eating, if they were finished, the servant would know by the crumpled napkin. If they were not finished, but had to leave and come back, the napkin would be folded. Jesus gave us a beautiful picture of this tradition, in the grave. His grave clothes were found to be in a heap. The picture for us, our price of redemption, COMPLETE as stated while he was on the cross, “IT IS FINISHED.” He WAS VICTORIOUS over death. The napkin that covered his face, what blessed insight it shares. The napkin was folded, not crumpled. Remember, when a guest was not finished with their meal, they folded the napkin, to signal to servant, they were coming back. To convey the excitement, in a post, that this gesture does TO MY HEART, is beyond words. Jesus allowed the grave to speak to us. He gave us sweet reminders, that death has no hold on us and that one day, HE IS COMING BACK, FOR US!

My friend, HE IS COMING BACK! Hallelujah what a Savior. The question, IS HE YOUR SAVIOR?