From Donna — This post is written by Megan Foltz, a dear friend that is ALL IN for her Savior. Her energy and love for Jesus is CONTAGIOUS. Her husband, Darin writes, “The infectious love and Joy of a Savior and a leader reflected through a human being…that’s my wife. Joy is not just a word, it is a state of being. She glides effortlessly with the best intention to help others achieve freedom.” I am excited to introduce my friend Megan to you. I know you will be blessed.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14

There is this beautiful thing that happens as we begin to move our bodies and align our hearts to be open and up to heaven. We are created for HIM. As we surrender our ways to his, the walls we desperately try to hold up, seem to, effortlessly start to crumble as we give ourselves to our maker. He created us, fearfully and wonderfully (Ps 139:14) and in His image (Gen 1:27) So there is no denying that, no matter one’s circumstances and situation, “you are a good idea.” BECAUSE HE SAID SO.

When we start to move as an act of worship to our Lord, our “have to” suddenly can change into a “get to.” We “get to” move our bodies to celebrate the very state of being a part of Christ! Our body is the dwelling place for the Holy Spirit that lives inside of each of us.

The indescribable, glorious joy of the creator of all things LIVES INSIDE OF US. Sit in that for a second……our bodies are HIS TEMPLE…..designed for HIM. For us to be living vessels to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth…”on earth as it is in heaven.” The opportunity presented to us every day, to move for HIS glory. To move for the walls to come down to begin our walk in His freedom, He is waiting for us in him. When our walls come down, it is visible manifestation of who HE is. As we begin to get free, we can then start to help others experience that freedom and together we can stay free.

I challenge you the next time you feel you “have to” exercise, view it as your act of worship, to OUR LIVING GOD. Pray about it, invite the Holy Spirit in to show you HIS GLORY……then see what happens!

Feel your heart begin to soften and your mind recharged….set on the things of heaven.

Whether you are a seasoned athlete, or all you can do is sit in a chair and move your feet…. your only requirement is move what you can…. let your mind go where HE leads and experience the joy of your “get to.”

“Let every activity of your lives and every word that comes from your lips be drenched with the beauty of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. And bring your constant praise to God the Father because of what Christ has done for you!” Colossians 3:17 (TPT)