That ugly word Fitness.

Even saying the word conjures up some thoughts of anger, regret or frustration in your mind.  Why, because most of us have some desire to be fit.  Even when we think of fitness we might think of the lean fitness machine of an athlete we see at the gym or out running and of course we say to ourselves “I can never be or look like that” so we live in that world of frustration.  Not enough time or just not sure what to do, so we do nothing.  Another day turns into weeks and then years.

My Pastor, friend and mentor said to me one day in a discussion about running that your body lies to you every day.  It says “you can’t” when you can or “you can’t go any further or faster” when you can.  But, it also speaks truth at times as well.  Your body will say “that’s enough” when it is enough or “don’t do that because it hurts” and it does.  The challenge is to listen to your body when it says “I might get hurt if I keep on” or “ I can do more or go try harder” when I should.  I admit that I’ve been on both sides of that thought process.

I’m going through some setbacks as I write this regarding my knee because I didn’t listen to my body years ago when it said “Don’t do that or you’ll regret it later” now is later for me and I’m paying a price.  But I want to encourage you that staying fit is not just for the young, I believe it’s for all of us, at every age.  We all have to make a decision as to what we want to do and just simply do it.

Fitness is a multibillion dollar business and there are lots of choices we can make as to what will work of us.  What I say is pick something and commit to it and get after it.  Start by walking or running.  Maybe biking, maybe a gym membership.  Enroll in some classes such as body pump, or various fitness classes and just go or do.  What I’ve learned is that once you make the commitment then you have to say Yes to some things and No to others and keep fitness a priority.  It’s not easy, and there are always schedule conflicts but just deal with what you should and get right back after it.

For me I love running and biking.  I’ve also participated in classes at the Y and even swam over periods of time.  But the fact is, just make a commitment a get after it.  I’m always here to encourage or even offer some direction if I can but more than anything just to say your body will thank you.

Remember, your body lies to you all the time.  I want to point you to a verse in the Bible in Psalms 138:3 that says “Thou didst make me bold with strength in my soul”.  The strength there is not physical strength but inner strength, in your mind, will, and emotions.  I believe the battle is fought mostly in the mind and God promises strength there when you ask Him.  To be active and fit requires you to simply say I will do this and say to your body I can.  It is a battle for sure but get in the fight and don’t quit.

Throughout this blog I will maintain that Jesus is your answer to all of life.  I believe that Jesus cares about your fitness and He want to help you but as most things in life we just have to take that step and believe that He will help you.  I started this writing by saying our body lies and it does to me most every day.  But Jesus is truth and the more we seek Him who is truth the more we recognize the lies our body tell us each day.  Thanks for staying tuned in and let me know how I can help.  Just click the contact tab and keep me posted. is always trying to point people to Jesus as your Savior or your Helper.  He is always there for you.