
Yesterday, February 1, 2022, we attended the funeral of Riley Youngblood. A young man, twenty-three years of age, who had touched many lives. The overflowing church was evidence of the love and care from him. I watched from the balcony as his mother bent over to touch her son for the last time. As a mother, I could not even begin to put myself in her place. One saw an inner strength that could only come from the God of all comfort, present in her soul. The week prior, tears shed, a heart longing for her son to recover from the evil that had happened. As he was on life support for a week, she longed for more time, just one more day, just one more hour. Then the long walk down a hallway lined with doctors and nurses as Riley was making way for his life to end, and for others, life to begin. Riley was an organ donor, a choice he made long before this time. I thought about those that received these gifts of life from him.  For life to be given someone had to die. My thoughts immediately went to Jesus. For us to have life, eternal life, Jesus gave his life. The ultimate, unconditional gift of love.

Why do I write this? Did I know personally know this young man? No, I did not, but our daughter, Carmen, and our son-in-law, Jason did. With them knowing him, I felt as if I knew him too. Our daughter, as I wrote in my book, “My Journey, One of Faith and Hope,” has the gift to read people. Both Carmen and Jason knew Riley so well that Jason sold a portion of his lawn care business to him. A business that Jason had worked to grow into a lucrative one since he was ten years old. His good name, Palmer Lawn, to be carried on by a young man entrusted to be one of great character, integrity, and tenacity to work very hard. This was Riley.

As I sat, I saw grown men wipe tears, listened to words spoken of this young man, and heard the sweet words of comfort from God’s Word. I searched my heart! Pondered my life! Life is a gift given, to us, each day from above. Whether a young person with years ahead or a sixty-five-year-old, that’s me, with much of life behind; life is still a precious gift. A gift to open each day and give away. A life to live to the fullest, impacting others for good and showing the love of Jesus. We are not promised our next breath, but with Jesus, our personal Savior, we are promised the gift of eternal life.

As I sat next to our daughter, Carmen, I saw her tears, the sorrow of her heart flowing out. Over the years she had touched Riley’s life and he had touched hers. I saw the sweetness of Jason as he comforted her. I pondered again the gift of life and chose again to live, to love, and to touch others with eternity in view.


“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him, will not perish but have everlasting life.”        John 3:16

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, plans to give you hope and a future.”     Jeremiah 29:11

“I wait for the Lord, my whole being wails, and in his word, I put my hope.”   Psalm 130:5

“This is the day the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”     Psalm 118:24


Life is precious because it truly is a beautiful gift from God!