Have you ever compared yourself to Mary or Martha? An honest answer from me….YES!

I absolutely love the story where Jesus and his crew came to the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. More than likely no advanced notice given. Jesus knew the “welcome mat” was at the door. He knew the genuine hospitality that would be given to him and his group. HE KNEW THE LOVE OF THIS FAMILY. He also knew at this visit there was something special He needed to teach Martha and in doing so, He knew the far-reaching of that needed teaching…… all the way to the 21st century. The teaching needed for then, but so needed for today. Yes, there are times that a special meal is needed, which takes major preparation. Then there are others where a simple meal is so what needs to be done. But too often, and I am speaking for myself, my choosing the elaborate, creates turmoil in my soul.

I do not know about you, but I do know me, and the impact these two ladies have on my life. I have struggled lately over the past years, which CANNOT BE REDONE. The struggles of revisiting those tender years I had with my children. Struggling with the multiple attempts to enter my “prayer closet” only to never get on my knees. Those goals to get up early, you know, those times when all is quiet with the dreams of sitting at the Saviors feet but instead stayed up all night with a sick child. The struggles real, the balancing act, the spinning of multiple “PLATTERS” playing in my head.

IS IT POSSIBLE IN THIS LIFE TO INTERTWIN MARTHA and MARY…. TOGETHER? Is it possible to separate the “spiritual” activities from the “day to day” activities? Is it possible that the intertwining of these two, the meeting of Jesus like Mary and the meeting needs of others, like Martha be acceptable in God’s eyes? Is it possible to be both? I have concluded that the seeking of my Heavenly Father and the serving of others, CAN WITH JOY LIVE TOGETHER.

II Chronicles 31:21 states that it is possible to seek God and work at the same time. My thoughts are that seeking God will show up in your work. The joy of serving others will be a result of seeking the Father. I believe that true JOY cannot come without earnestly seeking God. Does that mean I am always joyful, to my shame, NO! I know my heart and I know when this heart has not spent time with the Father. How do I know, because the, not so joyful side of me, rears its ugly head in my selfish, hurtful responses? It plays the little woe is me “violin.” My joy is swept out the door, allowing the cares and concerns to “eat” away at my heart! My choosing, just as Martha chose that day. One thing for sure, Martha knew the one who could “fix” her situation. SHE WENT TO JESUS! She went seeking his help and isn’t that what He longs for us to do.

Later we see Martha serving again in John 12:12. This time a different spirit flowed from her. SHE SERVED. Can Mary and Martha live together in our lives? A resounding, YES is my response, BUT for that to take place I do believe that seeking first GOD ALMIGHTY is the key. There is not a right way or a wrong way. God knew Martha stating, “Martha, Martha, you are so careful about many things.” I love the tenderness in His words and that tenderness draws me to seek Him and sit at his feet, refuel and serve!