Moving Forward Moving Forward

At the top of this article are two pictures.  One, the ladies track team from Drury University in Springfield, MO.   The other, a married couple, with twins in a stroller. I encountered the track team, on a trail in Branson, MO that I run when I’m in Branson.  The young couple with twins, I encountered on a trail I run often, in Independence, MO.  Two very different approaches to fitness.

I know what it’s like to be 18 to 22 years old, full of life and energy.  I also know what it’s like to be married with children.  Regarding these two encounters, this is what came to mind.  When you’re young, things seem to come easy, especially fitness.  But even with youth, there is a willingness and commitment in making the effort.  I believe, the older you get the harder it is to stay committed.  A young couple running together, with twins in a stroller, demonstrates a rare commitment.  Maybe we could say, “The family that runs together stays together.” Either way, I want to encourage you to get committed and then stay committed.  No matter what the obstacles are, just stay after it.

A portion of this blog site is focused on fitness.  I have stated in other articles that I’m not trying to be a lean mean fitness machine, nor do I ask that of you.  I do believe we should all make an effort at fitness.  I believe, fitness helps our overall view of ourselves, as well as life, in general.

There are many ways you can plug into something that will help your fitness level.  You don’t even have to leave your home, if that’s what you choose.  But what I do know, is that you have to simply start somewhere.  When you make the effort, there is a feeling of accomplishment to simply say, “I’m done.”  But don’t miss this.  The first part of the word done is do.  You have to do something and I’m encouraging you to do it now!

Whether you’re an 18 or 22 and can run fast and long or a young couple pushing a stroller with twins, just simply make the effort.  In other words, PUSH FORWARD.

Seeking Life Together, is the tag line for this blog site.  I’m always here to encourage you in the area of fitness.  I’m no expert, in any area of fitness, but I am willing to offer any help or direction I can.  Always feel free to contact me and encouragement, you will receive. Thanks for reading.

Rayburn Hare