I have an incredible opportunity ahead. A dream that was planted in my heart eleven years ago. What could that possibly be?

Eleven years ago, I read Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life. He encouraged the reader to write short-term and long-term goals. One of my long-term goals was to author a book.

Three weeks ago, I submitted a manuscript! The next week a contract extended to me. I went to bed that evening with a sea of emotions flooding my soul. Questions bombarding my brain. Second-guessing what was written. Did I write in a way that brought honor to my heavenly Father? Did I honor those who had greatly impacted my life? It was a long night of tossing and turning, not just bodily, but also in my mind. A fearfulness of soul was a cloud that hung over me. I knew I needed to get my bible and sit at my Lord’s feet…. with a cup of coffee in my hand for sure!

God longs for us to come to him. Laying before him, our cares and concerns. Laying before him, our questions, struggles and FEARS! This was me and I truly had struggled. My bible in hand, I opened to my reading schedule. Along with my schedule, one of my infamous scribbled notes, which stated, “There are times our stories are written so that there is no question about God’s involvement.” I do know that God had that special appointment with me. My fears and concerns again laid at his feet. HE KNOWS ALL. He knows the timing of my book and who will read. He knows all this even before I was born, HE KNEW ME. Psalm 139:16b, “All the days ordained for me were written in your(God’s) book.”
ONLY GOD! He is my God, my Savior and the author of my life and I AM IN AWE!