I was recently in a conference and heard a motivational speaker tell a story about contractors building a golf course in India.  One major problem they had was monkeys constantly coming on the course and taking the golf ball either off the course or just moving the ball around.  The contractors tried various ways to deter the monkeys but to no avail.  They were attracted to golf balls and could not be stopped.  So, the golf course staff put signs at each tee box, down the fairway and around the greens that read “Play the ball where the monkey drops it”.  Truth is, I don’t know whether that story is true or not, but it does help make a point.  You have to live life with the hand you’ve been dealt.

Sometimes we find ourselves in bad situations that we have no control over.  Maybe as a result of your own choices and you become overcome with a sense of guilt.  Maybe you take the victim mentality approach and blame others for the situation you’re in.  Either way you play the blame game for where you find yourselves.

I know things can be difficult and overwhelming at times.  What I believe is that Jesus Christ is the answer to every situation.  I don’t say that to make light of where you are in life.  I just believe that no matter where you are, Jesus is the only One that can help you through. 

Sometimes God allows situations to bring us to a point where we seek His help.  Sometimes our choices bring circumstances that are real and ugly.  Either way Jesus wants to be your answer. 

I am learning that Jesus can and will lead you through where you are.  In the Bible, Saul who later became Paul made some horrible choices when he literally persecuted Christians and some even to death.  Paul later found himself having to deal with the reality of life and said “Forget those things that are behind reach forward to what lies ahead.  I press on toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”.  What he was doing was living life where he was and seeking Jesus first.  Paul was able to live a life of peace and fulfillment by seeking Jesus in the midst of his circumstances.

It does not matter what your circumstances are, health, financial, relationships, the answer is still the same, Jesus.  Before we were ever born God knew the choices we would make and made a way through each of them, but only through Him. I hope you take some encouragement and believe that Jesus loves you where you are and wants desperately to be your answer. Make a conscious decision today, to Seek the Father first, but play the ball where the monkey drops it.  Always remember to reach out to me through the contact page if I can ever help.