The picture above is a little plaque that sits on our mantle. It is a gentle reminder about my life touching others, that in touching, they want to know Jesus. Wow! There is a multitude of ways that we can touch others. Remember, there are times that the smallest of things, show the greatest love. But the big question that pierces my soul, DO I REALLY LIVE TO TOUCH OTHERS FOR JESUS? IS THIS A TRUE PASSION FOR ME?

When a passion is lit in one’s soul, that glowing FLAME burns in such a way that Jesus permeates your being. Have there been times the flame in my soul seems to be less ignited? With great sorrow, the answer is yes. Yes, times that Satan seemed to work overtime. Working so diligently to keep me focusing on me and not others. That focus on me, Satan trying to snuff the flame glowing in my heart. I just went back in time, as a young girl, singing, “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. Won’t let Satan, blow it out, I’m going to let it shine. Won’t let Satan blow it out, I’m going to let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine…. all the time.” I know, some of you, too, just went down memory lane. True words of a song God used in this heart of mine. Only with God’s help, can we truly SHINE for HIM.

What are our lives saying? Is there a burning passion for Christ, to KNOW Him and MAKE HIM KNOWN? Do I live in such a way that creates a desire, for those around me, to want to KNOW Christ? These are soul searching questions, that have eternal benefits. The eternal benefit, lost souls who saw their need for Jesus. A sobering thought, when I get to heaven, will I be introduced to people, who chose Jesus, because I chose to touch their lives?

Live in such a way
that those who know you,
but don’t know God
will come to know God
because they know you.
(author: unknown)

PS: When I write a post, I often let it “simmer” in my heart. This is such a post. Yesterday I received news that my stepmom’s daughter-in-law had passed away, unexpectedly. A total shock. Rebecca Cox Mathis was my friend on FaceBook. I begin reading a post that people wrote of her life touching theirs. She was a sweet soul, one that loved Jesus and loved people and in that loving, she touched many. She will be missed is an understatement. As I walked this morning, my thoughts turned inward. Who am I touching? Who is on my heart so much that I want to spend all eternity with them in heaven. Is my story written in such a way that when people “read” it, they see Jesus and are captivated BY HIM? Is my life being lived with purpose instead of merely existing? We are not promised our next breath. My heart sadden for the loss of Rebecca. Even though I never had the privilege to personally meet her, the words written of her dear friends and family have caused me to look deeply into the corridors of my heart. What is my life saying?