Original post was written in May 2020

Almost a year ago, I wrote a post, “My Address.” That was then, this is now. God’s timing…..ALWAYS on time and special blessings to those willing to “BE STILL” and simply TRUST!

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you WISH, and it will be given you. John 15:7(NIV) Delight thyself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4(NIV) What are my wishes? What are my desires? One thing for sure if my heart is in tune with Jesus; he in me (God’s Word) and I in Him (obedience), my wants, wishes, and desires will be those that will honor HIM, pointing people to Jesus. They will be IN TUNE with HIM!

Last week, I was encouraged to read in John. I read chapter fourteen and then on to chapter fifteen. When I got to verse seven, I was overwhelmed with GOD in my life. Right now, my wish, my desire is the selling of our earthly home. A home that I know God led our family too fifteen years ago. I love our home! It is nothing fancy. It is practical, comfortable, and sweet, homey sweet.

The summer of 2019, the real estate market continued to be CRAZY for sellers. Homes would be listed and under contract in hours. The time was ripe, our timing BUT NOT GOD’S. We were willing but our motive was to capitalize on the market, downsize and buy a smaller home. God said, “NO!” I remember the mixed emotions. “God, I am willing, this is HUGE on my part. Are you listening?” No peace from either Rayburn or me and we put it to rest.

Fast forward to January 2020. There is a restlessness stirring in my heart. It really started in December now that I look back to that time. Overwhelmed with Christmas decorating. I love Christmas and all that goes with it, but this Christmas something was different, and I chose to simplify, and it was OK. In January, my word chosen for the year was JOY. I knew then that my JOY was being robbed by all the stuff in my home. I remember the daunting thought of selling our home. The task would be overwhelming. I chose to say NOTHING to Rayburn and told God that if our home needed to be sold, He would be the one to let Rayburn in on it. THIS I KNEW! Another request, “Father God, if we are to sell, I must know where my cherished “things” will land. So, I pondered and prayed fervently for God to do HIS WORK, HIS WAY, AT HIS TIME.

In February we contracted on another little cabin with twenty-six acres. This little spot of God’s green earth, located right across from The Retreat in Cole Camp, MO. We would close on that property in March just as COVID-19 was affecting our world. Our world as we knew it, soon to come to a screeching stop and we had just committed to the addition for Join With Me Ministries. Oh, my Lord, how far will we be stretched? The vision of mini cabins and a conference center on twenty-six acres became real. WE COULD SEE IT! So real that on February 27, Rayburn came to me talking about putting all our “chips,” our two fish and a few loaves, all in for God, holding nothing back. Rayburn then mentioned the selling of our home. I KNEW IT, I JUST KNEW IT that God would show Rayburn and I was ready, heart ready! God knew this heart of mine, God knew the love I have for our home, God knew the working, the stirring of my heart, he knew the work needed. The decision made on Thursday to sell.

On Sunday morning, I walk into our church and I am approached by Nicole Johnson. She states that they are ready to buy a home. Knowing my sweet Nicole, I made this comment, “Nicole, you would like a ranch with a pool in the backyard.” She responded that a pool was at the top of their list. In confidence, I quickly shared that we had just decided to sell our home. The music started, no response from Nicole, but the look on her face made me sit down and say to myself, “Be still my soul, be still.” To add to this GOD MOMENT, I received a message from Nicole stating that she had had the very thought, wondering if the Hare’s would be selling their home soon. When I read that, I knew God was at work.

Our home, NOT SHOW READY! Gayle Marie was living with us. Corbin moving back from Texas, WITH ALL HIS STUFF! My basement a total mess. I needed time! Amid a major Pandemic, I had been given time. With the little cabin added, I had space for some of this stuff to land. Imagine that! I put a plan in place to have this home SHOW READY by May 15. Two days before showing, I received a call from Nicole. She was sick, fever sick, and would be tested for COVID-19. If positive, quarantined for two weeks. To add to this craziness, our beautiful pool decided that it needed a new liner…..REALLY!

This past Friday, our long-awaited special showing. Peter, Nicole, Maddy, and Evan came to see if this home was a fit for them. Fifteen years ago, this home was a fit for our family. Updating done, a well-cared-for ranch, lots of fun family spots for them to view. They came and went, and we prayed. Father, the desires of my heart to pass this home, this “torch” to a family that loves you and loves others is my WISH, is my DESIRE!

Saturday morning a call, I was not expecting, not this soon but when a family knows a home is meant for them, they know! The phone call from Nicole, our home was to be their home. Overwhelmed with pure JOY and humbled that GOD ALMIGHTY, sweetly giving us, The Hare’s and The Johnson’s a GOD MOMENT MIRACLE and my heart is at peace.

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you.” A true GOD STORY to share!

My new address, not sure at this writing, but God knows exactly where I am to lay my head. Stay tuned, my friend, this journey we are traveling, with God leading the way, IS AMAZING!