I normally choose a word that I dwell on for the upcoming year. For 2021, I have chosen to dwell on a phrase……one that has caused me to do deep soul searching.

In this world of unknowns, twist and turns, WHERE DO I DWELL? Sure, my earthly dwelling for 2020 has been unique, but so designed by God and I rest knowing, this world is not my home, I am just passing through. When life happens and curve balls are thrown and we all know they will come, the questions I asked myself, Where do I dwell? What do I allow my mind to dwell on? What sustains me? Where does my peace come from? What is the “glue” that helps hold it together and yes, at times piece it back together? Where is my safe place I run too? Many times shouting  when this world seems to be spinning out of control. WHERE DO I CHOOSE TO DWELL????????

Psalm 91:1-2 states, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.” What does this verse say? If I dwell in the shelter of ELYON and make my home in the shadow of El Shaddai, then I can say to YAHWEH, YOU ARE MY REFUGE AND MY FORTRESS, AND I WILL TRUST IN YOU!

Dwelling with God Almighty is our choice. In verses 14 and 15 we read, “I rescue all who cling to me, I protect whoever knows my name, I answer everyone who invokes me, I AM WITH THEM WHEN THEY ARE IN TROUBLE; I bring them safety and honor.”(NIV) We choose to be under HIS wings and I love the thought, even in the shadow of HIS wings.  Theses verses as well as Ruth 2:12, Psalm 17:8 and Psalm 57:1 speak volumes of God’s character as protector and comforter. These verses proclaim HIS unlimited shelter when we choose to be hidden under HIS wings and even under the shadow of HIS wings. What sweet assurance!

2021, the future is unknown, but dwelling on this thought of being under HIS wings, gives protection for my heart, and a safe place to share my cares, my concerns and yes, even my fears. I know what He has planned is perfect. DWELLING ON that thought brings rest to my soul and peace to my mind……..which allows me to SOAR, UNDER THE SHADOW OF HIS WINGS.

Where are you choosing to dwell?

Happy New Year, stay tuned, what God has planned for 2021 WILL BE AWESOME!